
What Should I Know Before Getting Braces?

What to Expect Before and After Getting Braces

Being told that you or your child need braces can leave you with a number of questions, but we’re here to provide you with some answers. Below, we take a closer look at what you can expect before and after you get braces!

For starters, bracing technology has come a long way in the past few decades. No longer are kids left with uncomfortable and highly visible metal in their mouth. While children can still choose colored options if they want, newer braces are often smaller and less noticeable than in years past, and we even have newer invisible models. These clear aligners help to adjust your teeth without making it as obvious that you have braces. They are often a little bit more expensive than standard braces, but they are becoming more popular, so talk with your kids about all their options if they aren’t all that receptive to getting corrective braces.

Braces Basics

Contrary to common belief, braces aren’t just used to correct the spacing in your teeth and smile. Braces also serve to fix bite issues, jaw alignment, and improve your overall oral health. Before your braces are installed, your dentist will determine exactly how they’ll want to shape your teeth so your teeth are as healthy as possible by the time your braces are ready to be removed.

There’s also the possibility that you’ll need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Their development once your braces have been installed could complicate or compromise the function of the braces, so your wisdom teeth may need to be taken out prior to having braces administered.

After Braces

Braces may take a little while to get used to, but once the sensation becomes normal, you’ll realize that you only need to make a couple lifestyle adjustments to account for their presence. For starters, you’ll need to keep an eye on what types of food you eat. For example, gummy, sticky foods and candies are best avoided, as are foods like taffy or jerky. You may also want to avoid foods that you have to bite into, like an apple or corn on the cob. That’s not to say that you can’t have an apple or corn, but you’ll want to cut up the apple or remove the kernels from the cob to avoid causing problems for your braces.

Another change you’ll want to make is to become even more committed to a strong dental care routine. Make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and regularly check your braces for any food particles that may have gotten stuck in your teeth. Left in place, these food particles can cause bacteria growth and teeth degeneration.

Finally, if you’re an athlete, you’ll want to invest in a mouthguard. As we talked about in this blog post, there are a number of different mouthguards that can help protect your teeth and braces. Find one that best suits your situation to help protect both your teeth and your braces.

You may not love the prospect of getting braces, especially if you need them during middle or high school, but oftentimes they can correct spacing or jaw issues well before you walk across that stage at graduation, which is a time where you’re definitely going to want that perfect smile. For more information about braces or to talk to a dentist about your teeth, reach out to Dr. Brooks’ office today.

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