

Do you want Straight teeth without wearing traditional braces that include brackets and wires?

If so, Invisalign may be for you!

Since invisalign came on the market in 1997 over two million people have taken advantage of this opportunity. Due to the nature of the invisalign aligners being clear and custom form fitting to the teeth, very few people will even notice that they are being worn.

The aligners can be removed to eat and for cleaning the teeth, but ideally should be worn for 20-22 hours a day. Very little if any difference in speech is noted and if so only temporarily.

Typically invisalign is faster than traditional orthodontics and for many can take as little as 6 to 18 months depending on the amount of movement needed. The difference is the treatment cycles. Invisalign aligners are replaced with new ones every two weeks while traditional braces are adjusted every 4-6 weeks.

Invisalign is an option for many people, but not for severe cases of crowded teeth. However, if you are interested in knowing your options, complimentary consultations are typically available.

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